Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Chrissi's Faith Story

I had the opportunity to share my story at MOPS [Mothers of Preschoolers] recently. Here it is [in 4 parts due to YouTube length restrictions...Total time about 46 minutes]:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

To God be the Glory!


Thursday, April 22, 2010

I love my husband.

I was wearing this shirt while out shopping recently:

I had a jacket on, but open, so you could see the front but not the back. A woman in line next to me said, "What does the back say? What's the punchline?"

I chuckled and told her there is no punchline. I love my husband. Period. Not only on payday. Or when he brings me flowers. Or when he calls me just to tell me he loves me. Or helps with dishes. etc.

I love my husband. Period.

His actions or in-actions do not impact my love for him.

His physical appearance does not make me love him more or less.

10-1/2 years ago we exchanged our marriage vows. For better and worse. For richer and poorer. In sickness and health. We made a CHOICE to love each other until parted by death. There have been some days during harder seasons of our marriage that I've had to remind myself of this choice. It's not always easy. Sometimes, it has been really hard. Nevertheless, I choose to love my husband. Period.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

McDonald's Playland

The other day I picked Becka up from school. She asked if we could go to McDonald's Playland for lunch. We had other things to do that day, so I said, "Not today."

Zack got sad and Becka tried to cheer him up: "Zack, when you're 14 and I'm 16 I can drive so I'll take us to the playland!" :)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Becka lost her first tooth!!

Milestone day for Becka ... Her first tooth came out while she was visiting Grammy & Grappi Kemnetz.

So exciting! Now to see what the Tooth Fairy brings her ... :)