Sunday, August 23, 2009

MOPS [Mothers of PreSchoolers]

Anyone who knows me even a little, knows that I'm involved in a MOPS [Mothers of PreSchoolers] group at our church. I'll be starting my SIXTH year of MOPS a week from Friday. WOW - Where has the time gone?!?

MOPS has been a lifeline to me as a mom! I can say with certainty that I would not be as good of a mom without the wisdom & friendships I've gained through MOPS.

So if you're a mom with kids ages birth - kindergarten, please consider joining your local MOPS group. Here's some links to help you get started:

Hoping you'll be blessed, encouraged & equipped to be great moms -


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Zack: "I have ... Girls don't have ..."

Zack is 3-1/3 years old. This summer he mastered potty training, and in the process has become very aware of the differences between boys & girls anatomy. Here's the transcript of a conversation between Zack & I in the grocery store today:

Zack: He's a boy [pointing to an older gentleman]. He has a penis.
Mommy [speaking softly]: You're right Zack, but we don't talk about that in the store.
Zack [in a louder voice]: I'm a boy. I have a ...
Mommy [in a firm voice]: Zack, STOP ...
Zack [quite loudly]: PENIS!!
Mommy continues trying to silence Zack.
Zack starts a little song: "I have a penis [Smiling face]. Girls don't have a penis [sad face]." (Repeat about 10-15 times.)

I couldn't even try to silence him -- I was laughing too hard! Another mom chuckled and smiled a "I've been there" smile at me. Guess it's something all moms go through!