Monday, December 7, 2009

Zack wants to be like Grappi

Zack got home from school today, and the first toy he picked up was his toy pliers. He started trying [unsuccessfully] to grab his hair with the pliers. I asked what he was doing. "Trying to pull all my hair out so I can be like Grappi!"

Grappi & Zack [when Zack was 4-1/2 months] -- They had matching hairstyles back then! :)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

2009 Christmas Letter

December 2009

Dear Friends and Family –

Merry Christmas! We’ve been blessed with a year of love and laughter! It’s not been without a few hard times, but we are choosing to count our blessings! Here are some highlights:

Becka [5-1/2] started kindergarten this fall. She’s in a dual language program, learning Spanish along with ‘regular’ kindergarten stuff. This year Becka has also been involved in gymnastics, swimming classes, T-Ball camp, Daisy Girl Scouts & AWANA. She especially enjoys memorizing scriptures through the AWANA program and Sunday school. In May, she made the decision to accept Jesus as her Lord & Savior – We couldn’t be more thrilled! It’s been a joy to watch her faith grow & blossom. She’s a sweet & helpful girl who is very funny & energetic.

Zack [3-2/3] started pre-kindergarten this fall and loves it. Prior to that, he completed potty training and we are now a diaper free home [Hallelujah!]. Zack filled his year with gymnastics, swimming classes, sports camp, and AWANA. He is all boy -- His favorite things include his cars, trucks and Thomas trains. Being a typical little brother, one of his favorite pastimes is teasing his big sister. J In contrast, he also loves to help with dishes, laundry, yard work and pet care. He’s an affectionate and kind-hearted boy with an easy smile and limitless energy.

Bailey is 9-1/2 – The ‘puppy’ of our youth is starting to show signs of age. We enjoy him and try to give him a good home full of love.

I [Chrissi] now have a precious 2-3/4 hours to myself 4 mornings a week when the kids are both in school. Staying home with Becka & Zack fills my days, but I also find time to serve on the Steering team for the MOPS (Mothers of PreSchoolers) group at our church. We celebrated our 10th anniversary in October with a trip to our honeymoon spot of Lake Geneva, WI. It was a fun & refreshing time away.

Michael is still working for a mid-size CPA firm in Deerfield, and this year was rewarded for his hard work with a promotion to manager. He has also enjoyed teaching a few classes at our local community college [College of Lake County] and being a guest speaker at a few local events on accounting matters.

We’d love to hear from ya’ll. Please call or email us. We’re also on Facebook – Friend us!
Wishing you & those you love great joy, health & peace at Christmastime and always!
Michael, Chrissi, Becka & Zack Wall

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sleeping in the oddest of places ...

Zack woke up to go potty at about 9:30pm. We heard him go, close the lid, flush & wash his hands. Fabulous! Then, silence. Michael went to check on him a few minutes later and here's what he found:
He was fully asleep on the toilet lid - Crazy kid!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

MOPS [Mothers of PreSchoolers]

Anyone who knows me even a little, knows that I'm involved in a MOPS [Mothers of PreSchoolers] group at our church. I'll be starting my SIXTH year of MOPS a week from Friday. WOW - Where has the time gone?!?

MOPS has been a lifeline to me as a mom! I can say with certainty that I would not be as good of a mom without the wisdom & friendships I've gained through MOPS.

So if you're a mom with kids ages birth - kindergarten, please consider joining your local MOPS group. Here's some links to help you get started:

Hoping you'll be blessed, encouraged & equipped to be great moms -


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Zack: "I have ... Girls don't have ..."

Zack is 3-1/3 years old. This summer he mastered potty training, and in the process has become very aware of the differences between boys & girls anatomy. Here's the transcript of a conversation between Zack & I in the grocery store today:

Zack: He's a boy [pointing to an older gentleman]. He has a penis.
Mommy [speaking softly]: You're right Zack, but we don't talk about that in the store.
Zack [in a louder voice]: I'm a boy. I have a ...
Mommy [in a firm voice]: Zack, STOP ...
Zack [quite loudly]: PENIS!!
Mommy continues trying to silence Zack.
Zack starts a little song: "I have a penis [Smiling face]. Girls don't have a penis [sad face]." (Repeat about 10-15 times.)

I couldn't even try to silence him -- I was laughing too hard! Another mom chuckled and smiled a "I've been there" smile at me. Guess it's something all moms go through!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Seeing a Trend ??

Becka - Fell asleep in her carseat with a taco in her hand [July, 2007]
Zack - Fell asleep in his carseat with a cheeseburger in his hand [July 15, 2009]Hmmm ...

Monday, May 18, 2009

Becka turns FIVE!!

Becka got her first Big Girl Bicycle!

Our beautiful Rebecka Joy is FIVE!!

More pictures on Chrissi's Facebook page :)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Zack is THREE!!

Look at our BIG BOY!! More pictures on Chrissi's FaceBook page ...