Thursday, July 24, 2008

Lake County Fair

We went to the Lake County Fair! We saw lots of animals, went on pony rides, ate corn dogs, climbed on tractors, tried on firefighter gear, saw a magician -- The kids had a ball!

Friday, July 18, 2008

The Harvest is Plentiful ...

Becka has been tending her own tomato & bean plants this summer. Recently we enjoyed 'her' first tomatoes. She was so proud of herself!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Grandparents are GREAT!!!

We're so blessed to have both sets of grandparents living close-by & so actively involved in our kids' daily lives. Saturday we went to the Arlington Heights Frontier Days with Grammy & Grappi [Mommy's parents] and out to dinner at Bill's Pizza with Janma & Papa T [Daddy's parents]. Such a fun-filled day!