Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Chrissi's Faith Story
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
To God be the Glory!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
I love my husband.
I was wearing this shirt while out shopping recently:
I had a jacket on, but open, so you could see the front but not the back. A woman in line next to me said, "What does the back say? What's the punchline?"
I chuckled and told her there is no punchline. I love my husband. Period. Not only on payday. Or when he brings me flowers. Or when he calls me just to tell me he loves me. Or helps with dishes. etc.
I love my husband. Period.
His actions or in-actions do not impact my love for him.
His physical appearance does not make me love him more or less.
10-1/2 years ago we exchanged our marriage vows. For better and worse. For richer and poorer. In sickness and health. We made a CHOICE to love each other until parted by death. There have been some days during harder seasons of our marriage that I've had to remind myself of this choice. It's not always easy. Sometimes, it has been really hard. Nevertheless, I choose to love my husband. Period.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
McDonald's Playland
Zack got sad and Becka tried to cheer him up: "Zack, when you're 14 and I'm 16 I can drive so I'll take us to the playland!" :)
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Becka lost her first tooth!!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Zack wants to be like Grappi
Grappi & Zack [when Zack was 4-1/2 months] -- They had matching hairstyles back then! :)
Sunday, December 6, 2009
2009 Christmas Letter

Dear Friends and Family –
Merry Christmas! We’ve been blessed with a year of love and laughter! It’s not been without a few hard times, but we are choosing to count our blessings! Here are some highlights:
Becka [5-1/2] started kindergarten this fall. She’s in a dual language program, learning Spanish along with ‘regular’ kindergarten stuff. This year Becka has also been involved in gymnastics, swimming classes, T-Ball camp, Daisy Girl Scouts & AWANA. She especially enjoys memorizing scriptures through the AWANA program and Sunday school. In May, she made the decision to accept Jesus as her Lord & Savior – We couldn’t be more thrilled! It’s been a joy to watch her faith grow & blossom. She’s a sweet & helpful girl who is very funny & energetic.
Zack [3-2/3] started pre-kindergarten this fall and loves it. Prior to that, he completed potty training and we are now a diaper free home [Hallelujah!]. Zack filled his year with gymnastics, swimming classes, sports camp, and AWANA. He is all boy -- His favorite things include his cars, trucks and Thomas trains. Being a typical little brother, one of his favorite pastimes is teasing his big sister. J In contrast, he also loves to help with dishes, laundry, yard work and pet care. He’s an affectionate and kind-hearted boy with an easy smile and limitless energy.
Bailey is 9-1/2 – The ‘puppy’ of our youth is starting to show signs of age. We enjoy him and try to give him a good home full of love.
I [Chrissi] now have a precious 2-3/4 hours to myself 4 mornings a week when the kids are both in school. Staying home with Becka & Zack fills my days, but I also find time to serve on the Steering team for the MOPS (Mothers of PreSchoolers) group at our church. We celebrated our 10th anniversary in October with a trip to our honeymoon spot of Lake Geneva, WI. It was a fun & refreshing time away.
Michael is still working for a mid-size CPA firm in Deerfield, and this year was rewarded for his hard work with a promotion to manager. He has also enjoyed teaching a few classes at our local community college [College of Lake County] and being a guest speaker at a few local events on accounting matters.
We’d love to hear from ya’ll. Please call or email us. We’re also on Facebook – Friend us!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Sleeping in the oddest of places ...